Nitto Walking Wanigon - Art No. 499-300.
Well here it is, Number 4 in the second edition walking series. Nitto's own Deep Sea Monster Wanigon.
First of all, it is very, VERY obvious what Nitto was thinking here. Wanigon "kinda sorta" looks like Barugon. So why pay royalties to Daiei to reissue the Barugon kit when Wanigon was close enough? The reason Wanigon and Barugon are so close is not coincidental. Nitto's prototype of Barugon WAS Wanigon. However, Nitto's President wanted to make a standing Barugon so that it would be more fun for the kids to fight the walking Gamera against a walking Barugon. As it is, Wanigon kind of crawls across the floor, but not very menacingly, so I think Nitto made the right call.
While this version of Wanigon is rare, it is not the rarest. The rarest version is the "Swimming" Wanigon! It was just like any other Wanigon kit, except it had a rail on its tummy to mount one of those red and white submarine hobby motors. If I am able to find a picture of Swimming Wanigon, I'll certainly post it here. Another unique feature: Swimming Wanigon was molded in bright orange!
So that is the story...Nitto didn't replace Barugon with a cheap jack "Pachi" version, but in fact used Wanigon for its original purpose, to be Barugon. I'm sure Nitto's idea to make full margin on at least one kit was one of the reasons too.
This story is just beginning...The second generation series would last only three years. In 1978, Barugon was re-introduced to the line-up, and Wanigon was once again retired for another five years, to re appear in the Huge River Beast series...stay tuned.
While this version of Wanigon is rare, it is not the rarest. The rarest version is the "Swimming" Wanigon! It was just like any other Wanigon kit, except it had a rail on its tummy to mount one of those red and white submarine hobby motors. If I am able to find a picture of Swimming Wanigon, I'll certainly post it here. Another unique feature: Swimming Wanigon was molded in bright orange!
So that is the story...Nitto didn't replace Barugon with a cheap jack "Pachi" version, but in fact used Wanigon for its original purpose, to be Barugon. I'm sure Nitto's idea to make full margin on at least one kit was one of the reasons too.
This story is just beginning...The second generation series would last only three years. In 1978, Barugon was re-introduced to the line-up, and Wanigon was once again retired for another five years, to re appear in the Huge River Beast series...stay tuned.
ワニゴンのこの版は稀な間、最も稀でない。 最も稀な版は「水泳」 ワニゴンであ る! それはワニゴンの他のどのキットのようもそれらの赤および白の海底趣味モーターの1つを取付けるおなかの柵があった以外、ちょうどだった。 水泳ワニゴン の映像を咳をできれば私は確かにそれをここに掲示する。 別の独特な特徴: 水泳 ワニゴンは明るいオレンジ「色」で形成された! 実際は物語があるように日東は安いジャッ キの「パチ」版とバルゴン、バルゴンである元の目的のための使用されたワニゴ ンを、取り替えなかった。 私は少なくとも1つのキットで完全な差益を作る日東 が考え理由の1だったことをもことを確かめる。 この物語は公正な初めシリーズ が3年だけ持続させる第二世代である。 1978年に、バルゴンは整列に再導入され、 ワニゴンはシリーズが引続き注目する巨大な川の獣でレニウムへのもう5年の間も う一度、現われる退職した。