Well now you can say you have seen it all...presenting the Rabbit-Panda from Ultraman Taro. By far the goofiest "garrison" vehicle in the entire series (a very close second is the "Roady," MAC's street transportation from Ultraman Leo). I think if the designers left the clown nose off the front, it would be a bit more appealing, but Taro was a series that was all about overdoing it. Like its companinon vehicle the Wolf 777, the Rabbit-Panda has every square inch covered with junk. Somewhere under it all is a very embarrassed Honda delivery van.
I was amazed at how detailed and substantial this model kit is. Its approximately 1/24th scale, so if it were built it would display nicely with the Bullmark "TDF Pointer," the Hasegawa "MAT Vehicle" and the Marusan "TAC Panther." Why didn't anybody make a UGM Mazda RX-7?
Like other kits of this vintage and genre, expect to pay a few yen if you find and want one. I have seen these go for as high as 9600 yen. Oy!